Friday, March 13, 2009

Best News

At one time Roberto De Vincenzo, a golfer Argentina that
recognized that win a professional golfing tournament that
in gross. After accept its present and
full [of] smile in front of camera [of] journalists his rushes about walk
[go] to club house and in act to go home.

When walk to its car, he is drawn near by a woman and
that woman gives felicitation greeting to it to the victory
that he reach for tell it that its baby middle
experience of serious suffering disease and its condition dying, "I ignore must
how, because at all not have expense to cure to
doctor" that woman word with face memelas.

Vincenzo very touches see that unlucky woman and immediately
release check and pen to write down a sheet of check with
value that a lot of for given to that woman. "Immediately
bring your child cures to hospital, where necessary hospitalization and ascertain
she really recovers" Vincenzo fully sympathetic. Woman
that hold sliver hand Vincenzo and several times said thanks

Next week in a lunch agenda in a country
club, Vincenso friend that also a functionary of golf association
professional visits its desk and sit with him, later
enquire "Vincenzo, last week you give check to
a woman?" 
Vincenzo nods and imbibe juic apple.

"A parker that see you give check to
that woman tells at me that that woman has deceived you, her child is not being ill" that parker explain.
This Vincenzo quiet for a moment and enquire serious "Really? No
there is child that dying?"
"Correctness" specifically.
"If like that, I feel that is best news that
I hear in this week" answer Vincenzo

Primary in life is heartfelt conduct something, then all that we hear will become best news for us

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