Thursday, April 9, 2009


It is rare
that you meet someone
who with that first smile
becomes your friend.
Someone who knows
nothing about you one day
and all your secret thoughts the next.

Someone who asks for nothing
in return for friendship
but friendship itself.
Someone who makes it
just as easy to share sadness
as it is to share joy.

I found that rare someone
when I found you.
And like a precious memory
A friendship like ours is forever.
- Dawn M. Miller

I need friends for many reasons, all throughout the two seasons.
I need friends to comfort us when I'm sad,and to have fun with us when I'm glad.
I need friends to give us good advice. I need someone I can count on to treat us nice.
I need friends to listen my problems and to help us think of ways to solve them.
I need friends because I'm social in nature and having friends makes us feel secure.
I need friends to remember us once I have passed sharing memories that will always last.

Friends Forever!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


By Bob Perks 

When the same thing happens to me over and over, I believe God is trying to tell me something. 
Sometimes it's obvious. Like when a person from my past keeps coming to mind and I feel the need to call them. Or when my wife Marianne keeps putting the lawnmower behind my car so I can't leave without being reminded that the grass needs cutting. 
Okay, maybe that's her and not God. 
But lately I believe God's telling me to slow down. 
Most people wouldn't see it that way, but I know how He works in my life. 
Over the last several months I keep seeing people stuck on the side of the road. Some were changing tires, others standing with the hood of the car open apparently waiting for help. 
Sometimes I'd first see an abandoned car and a few hundred yards down the road I'd see someone walking. I even saw a few men standing next to their car trying to "hitch hike" a ride. 
Oh yes, there were a few females. 
"Everyone has cell phones these days," you might say. 
Many do. But they don't always work along roads where you'd need them most. 
So, would you have stopped for any of them? 
I would. I really wanted to help them all. So why didn't I? 

I'll be honest about the ladies. I wanted desperately to help them. I think about my wife and worry that one day she'd need help. I also know how afraid she would be sitting there helplessly. An approaching car would be a welcome sign, but then, as a man got out she'd wonder if it was safe after all. 

I would stop any way and try my best to assure them I'm there to help. 
Then why didn't I? 
The truth is, I was in the wrong lane. 
Sounds like a poor excuse doesn't it? 
But it's the truth and there lies my proof that God was trying to tell me something. 

In every single case, I was always in the passing lane. I was always in a hurry to get somewhere. I was always zipping by people in order to get ahead. 
Sadly, I was also passing up people who needed help. 
"Slow down!" He said to me. 
But it wasn't just on the highway. 
Could it be that I have been in such a hurry that I have been passing by others along the road of life? 
What about the neighbor across the street? She lives alone. There must be some way to help her. 

I see another woman sitting on a bench at the mall every time I shop there. Maybe a friendly "Hello!" would make a difference. 

The fire victims I just read about in the paper today lost everything. I felt sorry for them. Is there something I can do? 
Or am I in such a hurry that I cannot stop? 
God has been telling me something all this time. 
Cut the grass and "Bob, you're "in the wrong lane!" 
"I believe in you!" copyright 2004 Bob Perks I encourage you to share my stories with your friends but, when copying I ask that you keep my name and contact information attached so that new readers can find their way here. Use of this story for commercial use is prohibited without direct permission from the author. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


One day a speaker are recognized open its seminar in a way that unique. At the same time hold fraction money $ 100 he enquires to attendant, "Who did of this money?" Show much hands are raised hand. Forerunner [of] much enthusiasms.

"I will give this to one of the All of you, but previous me conduct this."

He stands up come near attendant. That Money crumpled up with [his] arms till fold. Last enquire next,"Who still open to this money?" Raised Hand unremitting.

"Well, Will be like if I conduct this?" he said at the same time drop that money to floor and step on with its shoe. Even still intact, now that money will become very dirty and is not smoothly next.

"So, wheter now there [is] still that hanker?" That raised Hands still many.

"All Attendant, You just face an important lesson. Come what may with this money, you have been hankered because of what I conduct will not lessen its value. Although dishevelled and dirty, that money remain to assess $ 100

In our this life ever several times fallen, torn, and came dirt of decision consequence that we make and situation that catches up with us. Up to scratch like that, we feel paltry, chaffy.

Though any that already and will happen, You will never devalue in eye those in love you, particularly in God eye.

Don't ever forget this, YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL...!!!
GOD bless you...