Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tie a yellow ribbon

In 1971 newspaper New York Post writes reality story about life a man in a small city of in White Oak, Georgia, America. This Man marries beautiful and good a woman,unhappily he never esteems better half. He not becomes a husband and good father. He often come homes in a state of get drunk, last slap around its child and wife.

One at night he set mind ons someone's fortune to metropolis, New York. He defalcates its wife saving, then he go up bus go toes north, to metropolis, to new life. Together with his friends he starts new business. For a little time he live it up it. Sex, gambling,drug. He enjoys altogether.

Month elapses. Year elapses. Its business fails, and he starts hard up. Last his start got mixed up with deed kriminal. He wrote spurious cheque and use it to deceive people money . Finally at one time unlucky, he is caught. Police take him into prison, and court punishes him three year prisons.

Immediately before the end of a period of prison its, he starts miss the house. He longs better half. He longs its relatives. Finally he set mind ons write letter to better half, to tell so penitent its he. That he still love wife and child its.
He hopes him still may [again]. Nevertheless he is also understanding that maybe now already late, in consequence, he ends its letter by write,
"Darling, you needn't await I. Nevertheless if you there [is] still having sense to me, will you state? If you still open to I return to you, tie of yellow ribbon for me, at the only one oak tree that reside in downtown. If I pass and not find a lef of yellow ribbon, never mind. I know and understand. I will not alight from bus, and will continue go to Miami. And I promise I will never again bother you and children [in] one my life age ."

Finally its release day arrives. He very nervous . He not accepts reply from his wife. He not knows does its wife accept its letter or although hshe reads its letter, will she forgive me? He go ups bus [go] toes Miami, The strait of florida, that pass its native land, White Oak. He very very nervous about. All passenger in bus hears his story, and they ask to that bus driver, "Help, [in] one past time White Oak, street slowly...we must see what will happen..."

Its liver palpitated bus moment come nears downtown White Oak. He not not as yet common to lift its head. His Sweat fall rapid. Finally he sees that tree. Tears hatches in its eye...
He not sees a lef of yellow ribbon...
There is no a lef of yellow ribbon....
There is no a lef of......
But there is one hundred piece of yellow ribbons....hang-on in oak tree ...Ooh...all that trees are fulfilled yellow ribbon...!!!!!!!!!!!!

This reality Story becomes song hits first one in 1973 in America. The driver directly calls newspaper and tell this story.
A composer write downs this story becomes song, "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around the Old Oak Tree", and when this album released on February 1973, directly become hits on April 1973. A sweet song, nevertheless maybe still far sweeter if we can conduct what incised song is referred [as],... If God always forgive you,.. will you forgive the others ? .. think wisely .. !!!.

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