Friday, October 10, 2008

Woman Who Loved by My Husband

By : Botefilia

I think our nuptials Life first good . Though toward the year nuptials always happened conflict, but after marry Mario shows good and more listen go my desire.

We never quarrel excitement, if angry his is kept quiet and went to the office works till dawn, just come home , bath, then accompany our child school. Its sleep slimmest, makannya even also a little. I think him workaholic.

He kisses me two-time one day, morning toward the year job, and when he come home, that if I have been woken up. Because before married he never romantic, I think, it is true he not romantic, and not need such things as that as darling expression.

We seldom talking till night, both we seldom watch film, even eat both outside even also seldom. If we eat in both dining table, besotted we by it self by our fork spoon, not backtalk that heard, only saucer chink that hurtle against fork spoon.

If holiday, he a more regular only sleeps in the bed, or play with our children, very rare he laughs free. Because he very demure, I think him never laughed free.

I predict our household the best of just for 8 year nuptialses our. Till at one time, in one day , at that time my husband is layed pain ill in hospital, because seldom eat, and often eat something of the home in its office, just than eat in home, he hits typhoid, and must taken care of in hospital, because till happened perforasi in its intestine. When him still in ICU, one women comes visit it. He introduces it-self, called Meisha, friend Mario moment first course.

Meisha not I, she so simple, but I never see eye that so beautiful such as those which she haves. Its eye shines beautiful, full of warm feeling and full of love, when she converse, as if time stops rotate and agazed with light its sentence and full of glamor. Everyone, men and also woman even insect that pass, of fall in love so hear hers tells a story.

Meisha never recognizes close to Mario during they course first, Meisha tells a story Mario very demure, until seldom have chummy friend. 5 month ago they meet, caused by white-collar those in bring into contact them. Meisha that work in advertising finally come in contact with Mario that is making advertisement for its place company work.

I started kept in mind 5 month ago there is quite drastic change at Mario, every will go job, he smiles so sweet to me, and in one day can kiss I more than 3 times. He buys I new perfume, and start often laughed free. But in other time, he often plung in thoughts in front of its computer. Or plunged in thought hold Handphone. If I ask, he spells out members, there is job that bewilder.

In a moment Meisha ever came when ill Mario and has been taken care of in RS. I am holding a saucer of rice and lauknya with sulky face, because Mario not also will I feed up. Meisha enters room, and address by ear blithe its,

“Hi Rima, why with your first born that this first one? do not want to eat also? uhh… elementary naughty child, here its saucer”, last her continued invite Mario tells a story at the same time feed up Mario, suddenly just a saucer of that rice has been used up in her hands. And….I never see gaze of full love that shine from my husband eye, like noon that, never[in one life age my was that I pass by with him, never one second even also!

My liver is felt pain, more pain from when he inverted its body overshadowed my when I embrace it and hope him making love with me. More pain was from soreness after operation caesar when I bear children it. More pain from soreness, when he do not want to eat cookery that I make crucially. More pain than pain were when he not came to home our moment of marriage anniversary yesterday. More pain was from soreness when he prefer to caress its computer just than I.

But I never can be angry every see that woman. Meisha so sweet, she can attend suddenly, bring doughnut makes children, and bring ekrol my hobby. She take me out, sometime take me watching movies.

I never enquire, does my husband love woman that angel? because without enquire even also I have knew, what flare up in his heart.

an afternoon, overcast so blanket jakarta, I never suspect, my heart will be overcast, even drizzle later.

My first child named Jelita, a beautiful daughter 7 year, its hair tress perm and smart its same as its father. Success He opens password email of her father, and call me, “Mamma, will see poppa letter makes mrs Meisha?”

I are got stuck look into it, and read that electronic mail,

Dear Meisha,
Your existance as thousand of shimmer star that content of all liver alcoves my, I never feel fall in love like this, even at Rima. I love Rima because condition that oblige I love it, because she mother from my children.

When I marry it, I remain not to know be I seriously love it. There is no vibrant feeling like when I your approach, there is no feeling longed that never extinguished when I not meet it. I only not wish hurt its feeling. When conflicts happened when we pacaran first, I actually disappointed, but I not ready to tell to that she is not woman that I searching to fill my liver blankness. My liver is fixed felt emptyness, though I marry it.

I not know, how to grow love for hers, like when love for you grows naturally, like trees wish that grow sturdy without ever get siraman from its owner. Like grove in wild land forests that never ask sprinkled, nevertheless grow with close naturally. That that I feel.

I will never can having you, because you have became others property and I is men that very hold our nuptials comitment. Though my liver is felt emptyness, that is not why, come from I can see happy Rima and laughed, she can get all that she wish during I can. He may get all properties my and my body, but not my my heart and love, that only I give untukmu. Though there is wall that hinder us, I only hope that you understand, you are the only one in my heart.


My eye is felt heat. Pretty, my first child hug me. Though just 7 year, she is angel that very understand and love me.

My husband never love me. He never happy with me. He loves other woman.

I collect my strength. Since then, I write letter can be everyday for my husband. My that Letter keeps in cupboard, and I put down in my chest of drawers, never I give for him.

Car that he give for me, i returned to him. I collect my saving that i save from shop money, last i bought motor to accompany and fetch my kid. Mario surprise, because I never again indulge and ask bought many bag brand and clothes. I fall in my ruination. I first ask it marry me because I shame too long don't married whereas friend of mine-friend has married all. In the reality he never wish I become better half.

How not worth its I. Didn't she know, that I also in one rightful claimant women gets affection from its husband ? Why he not tells that he not love me and not wish me ? that more I esteemed than him is kept quiet and noded and last melamarku menikahiku. So unlucky its my chance.

Mario continuously sickly, and I remain to take care of it faithfully. Him loves that woman continues in his heart. With pretend not know, I already make it happy by love that woman. Bliss Mario is my bliss also, because I will always love it.

One year later…

Meisha opens that letters envelope with falls tears . That funeral soil still wet red and has been fulfilled flower.

” Mario, my husband….
I never suspected our meeting when I first time work in yours office, will bring me to the my trully love. I are so fascinated demure to you and show cool. I So happy when you accept my love . I love, and so posesif wants to have you . I often angry, when besotted you work, and didn't care me. I feel above wind, when you are kept quiet and listened go my desire… I think, I the have a daughter beautiful desired much mans, had fulfilled your heart room and you too love me until will conduct anything for me.....

In the reality I wrong …. I realize it precise one day after our nuptials. When I lambaste hand watch present from a office friend first that I know actually take a fancy to Mario.

I see your eye so injures, when say, “why, Rima? Why you must jealous? she has married, and I already choose you become my wife?”

I not give a dam,and elapse from your fore part by bluff its.

Now penitent I, ask you for marry me. You never happy me. I is most worst matter in your love life. Im is not woman perfect that you wish.

Your wife,

In other letter,

“………That woman make you change, you shall no longger ice. You start felt warmness, nevertheless remain to be just my never see love light from your eye untukku, like I saw light was that full that love of both your eye when approach Meisha……”

in other letter,

“…….I swear, will make you fall in love to me.

I have changed, Mario. You see ?, I no longger on the warpath to you, I shall no longger like whip down goods and scream if emotion. I learn cook, and i always cookery that you take a fancy to. I [shall] no longger wasteful, and always saves. I no longger cantankerous with your mother. I always smile when you come home . And I always phone your, to ask my lover this lunch? I take care of you if ill , I not sulked when you do not want to I feed up, I wait till slept beside your bed, in hospital when you taken care of, because your digestion disease that always unsolved…….

Though has not yet been rising also, that love light from your eye, I will fixed try and wait for it……..”

Meisha vanishes tears that continued flow of both beautiful eye its… the of Jelita that sob-hiccup the from other side of.

Last mail, this morning…

“…………..Today is our nuptials anniversary ninth. Last year you not came home , but my this year will forced you come homes, because today I will cook, the nicest one cookery [in] one world. Yesterday I learn make it Tati home, till rain and sodden, because when i come homes its rain rapid very, and I only ride motorcycle.

When I got home last night, I see worriedness light in your eye. You hug me, and my errand immediately change clothes so that painless.

Have not already you my husband,

During can be 15 year i known you, 6 year our meet, and can be 9 year our marry, this my first time see that worriedness light from your eye, this love marking starts spring in your hearts ?………”

Jelita stare at Meisha, and tell a story,

“Noon that Momma take me in school with its motorcycle, from a distance I see happinest in hers face,she continues wave-flourish arms to me. I never see face that very shine from mamma like that noon that, she so beautiful. Though first often mad to me, but I always love it. Mamma parks its motor across street, When mamma across street, suddenly that car passes from curve with high-speed…… I not ready to see it are thrown, aunti Meisha….. I see it has looked into my before she no longger moves……”. Jelita embrace Meisha and sobed. This beautiful Child still undersize to feel pain in its heart, but she very adult.

Meisha released in one sheet of paper that she print this morning. Mario delivered next email last night, and at first I wish Rima read it.

Dear Meisha,
A yearlong this I start feel Rima differ,she shall no longger on the warpath and always make it up to my liver. And mentioned,she come homes with sopping with rain body, I very worry and embrace it. Suddenly I just realize so lucky its I have mine. My heart starts vibrate…. This my marking starts love it?

I continue try love it such as those which you suggest, Meisha. And tomorrow I will give surprise for my wive, I will bought a dinky car for her, so that she shall no longger go ups motor everywhere. Not because of she mother from my children, but because of she my trully love….

Meisha stare ats emergent Mario growing sickness, that has been sat beside gravestone Rima. In his face shows sorrowful deep. Altogether already happened, Mario. Sometime we just realize love someone, when that someone has walked off us.

“Message” awful make husbands (and husband candidate) to care of better half…
And excitement motivation makes wives (and wife candidate) for remain to love its husband…

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