Thursday, February 26, 2009

Facebook History

John (alias) found hung stiff in its bed room. The first found it was his mother very find it because suspect all day long John not exits from its room. There is no oddity marking in its child it-self according to Mother. Only it is true already since one month last John are often encountered while doing next gloomy and sometime cry. The his mother does not suspect John will terminate life its just because broken by the lover that will immediately marry with its candidate of parent choice.

Meanwhile, in other place there is [in] one next young man that experience of deduction from its craving girl. Than let hetorn-tear by its feeling, he conduct its ill will action by make a situs by the name of alias the rissole face.

To get its friend photo, specially that girl. He risks hacking campus computer system. Last its hunt result is referred as uploaded into new situs its. Later, he system tide that make every visitor to gives rank in each girl.

Its deed Consequence, this young man is punished by the party of campus. But its effort not useless. Popularity directly leaps, in just time three week first student amount that enlist has reached 4.000 people. You of course already can anticipate, this is cikal will be from that now its member has reached 116,4 million people.

That young man Whom? He is Zuckerberg that at that time in semester II in Harvard. Action reciprocates ill will at girl that refuse it oppositely/also make it a youngest triliuner in the world of with wealth US$1,5 billion in its age now 24 year.

Two stories above have in common that is young man that its ill will because love refused. Difference of both story above is that one let its mind is controlled by feeling, whereas the other one again immediately release feeling shackle at the mind. Sometimes someone get sicks and suffer froms let its feeling controls its mind. It is not a wonder because basically human is kinestetik creature . One of way in order to get over problems is by free mind from feeling that handcuff it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Best Efforts

Two heads frog with blithe its in a page grass of an ox ranch. A lady that clean cage page that see both that frog try dissipate with a broomstick and make both that frog run fear.
"Quick, toward there", say a that one frog "I see good and sure hideaway difficult reached by hilt that broom" said the frog, pinpoints cow shed direction press outs existing
in that ranch.

"Let, quick" exclaim the first and both frog jump up and downs jump high, higher, getting higher its jumping movement and very high toward cage fence [go] to that where they will hide.
"Plung" at last jumping movement, its second at a time land in a containing pail fresh milk and immediately they swim to step aside pail and try to go up exit from that pail at the same time once in a while jump, but fail to. "Oh my friend, we will die , this aluminum pail really slippery, likely not possible climb it, we will die, we have never be everywhere next, we of drowning death here" said second frog.

"Continue try, continue swim, continue raw" word first frog, sure there is a way of to be able to exit from this place, let we think, don't surender. Both of them raw and swim everywhere at the same time once in a while jump try pass pail edge .

After so much their hour raw second frog starts murmur next: "Ugh, I really fatigue once, I really run out of energy, this milk jelled once and and too slippery to exit
from this place." "Let, continue try, don't surender" first frog word gives spirit [of].
"its useless, we will never exit lifes from place this, sure we die here, more and more weaken" and second frog movement that more and more tardy and finally motion less next, die.

Meanwhile first frog not hopeless, with pickings its energy has been swum and continued raw alone at the same time once in a while think to catch up its friend that its body stiff half sinks that. later he are heard chicken crows and unconsciously his feets that frog till now get stepping, that frog have not already raw next because its feet is felt stand up above a heap of butter result of his works all of night . and that frogs makes last jumping movement to exit and free from pail that bury his friend.